What Is the Allure of Burberry Body Perfume


The beauty of a fragrance is that it can be worn year-round without worrying about staining or overpowering. It’s long been the epitome of sophistication, a luxury everywhere women want to go but don’t dare. With its distinctive woody and soapy scent, Burberry smells nothing like your average perfume. You either love it or you hate it: Burberry body perfume is undoubtedly one of the most popular perfumes in history. What exactly is an allure to a scent? Is it the scents themselves that turn someone off, or does something about them just make them more desirable? The answer lies in what we (and our ancestors) have always known about fragrances. According to research carried out by scientists at MIT and Stanford University, there are actually 4 main factors that cause our noses to react differently to scents – intensity, balance, timing, and familiarity. So, how do these elements combine with other characteristics such as body type and age to create an individual like the ‘Burberry effect’?

What is the Allure of a Perfume?

The main appeal of a fragrance for many is its allure – the scent that triggers a response in the wearer. A great fragrance can have a lot to offer, appealing both to the nose and the senses. If a perfume is too sweet, too herbal, or too powerful, it will fail to make a lasting impact on the wearer. If a fragrance smells good on paper, but not on your skin, you’re not going to love it. The same can be said about ingredients and quality of manufacture.

The Burberry Effect

In order to understand how an individual reacts to a fragrance, scientists have conducted experiments with rats. They were given scents that they normally find repulsive, such as burning rubber and rotten eggs. One group of rats was given a strong dislike for those scents, while another group found them irresistible. The results were very interesting: the attraction phase, when the rats are attracted to the smell, was shorter in the repelled group than in the preferred group. This meant that the chemicals in the Burberry body perfume were having a stronger effect on the repelled rats because they were more repelled by the smell. The attraction phase is what triggers a human’s response to a particular fragrance.

Meaning and Success in Fragrances

The success of a fragrance can be determined by the number of people who buy it and the length of time they keep wearing it. A strong scent has been known to be worn for years, but it’s not going to smell as nice when someone walks in the room and smells it. Wasted potential aromas mean that a fragrance becomes less alluring with time, and this is why Burberry body perfume is a great choice.

Soap & Watery Fragrances

Some fragrances like Burberry body perfume really don’t compare to their soaps and watery counterparts when it comes to allure. One such example is Versace’s, White Fang. Though Versace’s original scent was soapy, it sold so poorly that it was discontinued, leaving behind only memories of a bygone era.

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Strong, Like A Man

Strong, like a man, is a classic in the world of men’s fragrances. Burberry body perfume is what most guys wear, and it has a lot to recommend it. It’s rich, dark, powerful, and masculine. While some might find it too heavy and oily, others relish its rich, full-bodied goodness and enjoy wearing it for many hours on end.

Woody & Dark Fragrances

Strong, like a man, is very effective against oily skin, but it does leave the skin with a greasy feel. Woody and dark fragrances tend to be more suitable for dry skin types. Take a look at Christian Dior’s Black Orchid, which is very attractive and spicy on the nose, but very heavy in the pocket.

Fresh, like a Mannerist Painter

Dry, fresh, and woody are what come to mind when you think of a fresh, light top note with a long-lasting, soapy base note. The combination of these elements makes up the ‘burberry effect’ and makes Burberry body perfume one of the most popular scents in history.


The allure of a perfume is based on both the scents and the person wearing it. If you’re looking for a scent that others will find attractive, you’re likely to be disappointed. If, however, you’re looking for a scent that you’ll love to wear, then you’re in luck because there are plenty of beautiful scents on the market that have the potential to be allurers. The trick is to find a scent that appeals to both your sense of smell and your sense of style. The allure of a Burberry body perfume is based on these elements – intensity, balance, timing and familiarity.

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